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Top tips for weight loss while training for the Mallorca 312
24 Jan

Top tips for weight loss while training for the Mallorca 312

24th January 2023 Read More

Top tips for weight loss while training for the Mallorca 312

By James Walsgrove

Being lighter for the climbs at the Mallorca 312 will make the event easier and you will be faster. This will help you make those strict cut-off times. Although this post has been written about the Mallorca 312 it can be used for any cyclist training for an event. General health With any weight loss …

The Time Crunched Cyclist
9 Jan

The Time Crunched Cyclist

9th January 2023 Read More

The Time Crunched Cyclist

By James Walsgrove

In this modern, busy world many of us are short of time and can find it hard to fit those training sessions in. With some planning and the correct training sessions then you can still improve as a Time Crunched cyclist. I always encourage my athletes to try to think of other ways they can …

Do you struggle with motivation to get on the turbo trainer?
26 Sep

Do you struggle with motivation to get on the turbo trainer?

26th September 2022 Read More

Do you struggle with motivation to get on the turbo trainer?

By Nicky Roger

Within my academy, one of the biggest challenges that members face is motivation to get on the turbo trainer. With this in mind, I have enlisted the help of Nicky from The Mind Coach who has joined the Facebook group to support members. She has written her top tips here to help you not only …