What I learned about cycling nutrition using the Glucose monitor from Supersapiens
23 Apr

What I learned about cycling nutrition using the Glucose monitor from Supersapiens

23rd April 2022 Read More

What I learned about cycling nutrition using the Glucose monitor from Supersapiens

By James Walsgrove

Cycling nutrition is a massive topic. It is very individual and everyone seems to have an opinion on it. As usual, with most things, there is never “one” answer. I am not a nutritionist myself so this is just my experience. I have been lucky enough to work with a performance nutritionist in the past …

Weight Loss For Cyclists 3 of 3: Train low isn’t a magic pathway to weight loss, but it could help.
24 Nov

Weight Loss For Cyclists 3 of 3: Train low isn’t a magic pathway to weight loss, but it could help.

24th November 2020 Read More

Weight Loss For Cyclists 3 of 3: Train low isn’t a magic pathway to weight loss, but it could help.

By Jason Fligg

I’m back! Here is the final part of my 3-part series regarding weight loss and performance. If we quickly reflect on part 1 and part 2 of this series, we’ve covered some of the basic but fundamental factors you should consider when trying to lose weight. We have also covered some of the methods of …

Why I wrote the Weight Loss Cycle Training Plan
19 Nov

Why I wrote the Weight Loss Cycle Training Plan

19th November 2020 Read More

Why I wrote the Weight Loss Cycle Training Plan

By James Walsgrove

Have you just started cycling or been riding for several years and struggle to lose weight? Or worse still weigh more than before you started? Well, I have written this Weight Loss Cycle Training Plan for YOU! “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein The fact …

Weight Loss for cyclists – Part 2  Why the scales can’t tell you everything
3 Sep

Weight Loss for cyclists – Part 2 Why the scales can’t tell you everything

3rd September 2020 Read More

Weight Loss for cyclists – Part 2 Why the scales can’t tell you everything

By Jason Fligg

The good old trusted scales. They’ve been around for years. Some can be found covered in layers of thick dust in bathrooms and some can be found calibrated incorrectly and used daily to provide individuals with a figure which is often translated into ‘this is how much fat I have’. Of course, this couldn’t be …

Weight loss for Cyclists – Part 1
2 Aug

Weight loss for Cyclists – Part 1

2nd August 2020 Read More

Weight loss for Cyclists – Part 1

By Jason Fligg

‘Some Factors You May Not Have Considered’ Weight loss and performance enhancement have long been topics discussed amongst the athletic population, but since becoming a keen cyclist, they’re ones I hear about a lot. This, along with many other nutrition myths and dilemmas, are topics that I aim to bust and resolve via these blogs …

Are you getting enough Vitamin D? Why do you need it and how much are we talking?
25 Jun

Are you getting enough Vitamin D? Why do you need it and how much are we talking?

25th June 2020 Read More

Are you getting enough Vitamin D? Why do you need it and how much are we talking?

By Jason Fligg

Introduction – What is vitamin D? Where does it come from? Why is it important? The body of literature regarding Vitamin D intake for athletes has progressed quite a bit over the last decade, with a good chunk of it demonstrating positive links to immune function, protein synthesis and regulation and function of skeletal tissue. …

Send help – Why am I eating everything in sight after my training sessions?!
14 May

Send help – Why am I eating everything in sight after my training sessions?!

14th May 2020 Read More

Send help – Why am I eating everything in sight after my training sessions?!

By Jason Fligg

I have recently been asked this by so many cyclists. They complain that when they finish a time trial, sportive or epic Zwift session, they want to immediately head to the kitchen and eat everything in sight. And most of the time, they do. If this is you, you are probably asking: what do I …

Jason Fligg Performance Nutrition
13 May

Jason Fligg Performance Nutrition

13th May 2020 Read More

Jason Fligg Performance Nutrition

By Jason Fligg

A bit about me. I graduated with a Masters in Sport & Exercise Nutrition in 2015. Soon after, I became a registered performance nutritionist (MSc, SENr Grad). Since founding Jason Fligg Sport & Exercise Performance in 2016, I have worked with a range of athletes, at an elite and amateur level, helping them to achieve …