Please contact Vires Velo for all bike fitting enquires on 01953 687330

5 simple turbo sessions
23 Aug

5 simple turbo sessions

23rd August 2015 Read More

5 simple turbo sessions

By James Walsgrove

1 – Sweet Spot Training This is the zone just below threshold, if you’re new to cycling then try blocks of 10 minutes.  Sweet spot is a great way of building your fitness. 20 mins warm up @ Zone2, 10 – 20mins @ sweetspot, 20 mins Zone2, 10 – 20 mins sweet spot then 20 …

Do you suffer from knee pain?
22 Jun

Do you suffer from knee pain?

22nd June 2015 Read More

Do you suffer from knee pain?

By James Walsgrove

There are a number of reasons for knee pain on the bike so having your bike set up is a very important starting point. Another contributing factor can be poor flexibility along with muscle imbalances/lack of strength so it is also important to have a good strength and conditioning program off the bike. Excessive lateral movement …

Retul Bike Fit
1 Feb

Retul Bike Fit

1st February 2015 Read More

Retul Bike Fit

By James Walsgrove

Retul is the global leader in Bicycle Fitting Technology and Solutions. The Dynamic 3D motion capture bike fit system coupled with the Retul Muve Dynamic Fit bike and software solutions such as Retul’s Frame Finder are best-in-class products. In addition, Retul maintains a world leading bike fit education network called Retul University that offers hands …

Woman’s Specific Bikes
19 Jan

Woman’s Specific Bikes

19th January 2015 Read More

Woman’s Specific Bikes

By James Walsgrove

When looking at buying a new bike many women ask do I need a woman’s specific bike? What’s different? There are some differences in the way that men and women sit on a bike which means that female-specific bikes can be a big improvement over a small men’s or unisex bike. Size Matters Women tend …

Why use power in cycling?
8 Jan

Why use power in cycling?

8th January 2015 Read More

Why use power in cycling?

By James Walsgrove

Why use power in cycling? We all get to the point in our cycling career where the gains seem to get harder if not impossible to achieve. When we start cycling the more time we spend on the bike the better we get but unfortunately, this does not last forever and eventually, we need to …

Winter miles, summer smiles
8 Jan

Winter miles, summer smiles

8th January 2015 Read More

Winter miles, summer smiles

By James Walsgrove

Although it’s cold outside and you are probably thinking more about sitting in by the fire at the moment this is a great time to start your training for next year. Putting the miles in during the winter months will reap rewards come the start of the season and put you ahead of the competition. …