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How to be consistent with your cycle training

Being consistent with your cycle training is the biggest factor in improving on the bike. Results happen over time so you need to stay consistent with anything you do if you want to improve. This means being patient but you will get your reward.

“Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity”

In this blog, I will cover some of the methods that have helped me stay consistent with my cycle training and become faster on the bike. The one thing that successful athletes all have in common is that they are consistent with their training. This is something that I help my academy members achieve. You just need to find a way to make your cycle training consistent for you which is sustainable.

My 5 top tips

  • Ride less – Now although this sounds counter-intuitive stick with me. People often feel that that have to ride 4 hours outside to get any benefit from their cycle training. This is not the case and you can get a great session done in 45 minutes if structured correctly. You would be better doing 4 x 1-hour rides through the week rather than one 4 hour ride. Obviously, this is a little extreme but you get the idea.
  • Keep it simple – While you are building consistency it is crucial to keep it simple. This will make it sustainable and more likely to succeed. Far too many people waste time thinking about these complicated trainer sessions rather than just getting on the bike.
  • Plan your week – Being organised is crucial to you becoming consistent. Look at your training sessions for the week and put them in your diary just like an appointment. Training peaks is a great platform to plan your workouts and this even uploads to my google calendar automatically!
  • Enjoy it – You need to enjoy what you do otherwise you will soon lose interest. Find what works for you, whether this is Zwift, group rides, indoor or outside riding. Mix the sessions up so you don’t get bored. Do you struggle with motivation to get on the turbo training? Check out my previous blog here for some top tips!
  • Accountability – This is a big one for me and can be achieved a number of ways. Obviously, coaching is one method but there are also a number of other methods. You could team up with a friend and check in once a week, enter a Strava challenge or join a virtual club.


The big thing for me is to find what works for you. I will often give my clients the ideas but I am keen for them to experiment with their own also. When you find something that works you stick with it and when it doesn’t then at least you know and can ditch it.

Hopefully, this has given you a few ideas to start and don’t forget to leave a comment with your top tips also to help others. Remember results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent and be patient.

Do you want 4 habits to increase your consistency?

Check out this blog from Training Peaks to get success in your cycle training.

James Walsgrove

My cycling career started in 2005 when I purchased my first road bike and I was immediately hooked. Since then I have completed numerous cycling challenges including Ironman, Lands’ End to John O Groats, Mt Ventoux (all 3 ascents), London to Paris, the BBAR challenge which included a 12hour TimeTrial, Ride London and the Mallorca 312 6 times now.

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