So the Mallorca 312 has become a bit of a habit of mine, having completed it 5 times previously. I enjoy the challenge of the event, the stunning scenery and a great early season event to focus your training over the winter.
As always the day starts with a 4 am alarm call and a military procedure to get everything ready, eat a ton of carbs and use the toilet before putting on bib shorts! No matter what time you get to the start line, someone will always be there before you. We arrived at 4.45 am and waited patiently to get into the start pens. After all the hydration and coffee, I always need to go to the toilet before the start. It is amazing how with the right plastic bottle you can have a wee without any of the 8000 people noticing! I have been working on that skill 😉
The start is always manic with riders chopping and changing lanes to move up to the front. One rider this year tried to bunny-hop the central reservation thinking he was Tom Pidcock. Unfortunately, he did not have the skills to clear it and landed bang on the curb. Both water bottles went flying and with a double blowout, it was race over for him.
Knowing what to expect with the climbs and having my power data helps with pacing. Having the route and map on my Hammerhead Karoo 2 is a massive advantage in my opinion. Not only do you see the gradient of the climbs coming up you can also see how sharp the corners are on the descent which allows you to limit your braking. I ride the course as efficiently as possible saving precious energy for later in the event. This year I did more out of the saddle climbing which I felt worked well. Not only does it take the pressure off the saddle it also uses different muscles and therefore can reduce any discomfort that you may have later in the ride. I made the first cut-off with around an hour to spare. A far cry from the first year that I took on this challenge!
The event had an increased number of feed stations this year which worked well in the mountains. There were no queues at all meaning that I could get away with stopping for less than a minute to fill up water and grab some nutrition. This is key for me at the event. You have to reduce the stopping time to a minimum.
Once out of the mountains at 160km, it was time to hit the flat and with a tailwind this year it was super fast! I managed to get in with a few trains which helped and making sure I did my turn on the front. Before I knew it I had made it to Sa Pobla and the 2nd cut-off point. Turning onto the last 90km of the event is always hard when you are only 5km from the finish line of the 225km route. I never give my brain an option and it is onto the last leg I go.
This last section is tough. Nothing ever seems to flow here for me. The road surface is not smooth and can feel like riding through treacle at times. Although it may look flat there are some short steep risers along with longer gradual climbs that don’t end up high at all but seem to go on forever on tired legs! There is also often a headwind for sections so riding in an aero position helps save precious energy. This is a great skill to learn and gives you a massive advantage on the day. I always add this to my training plans for the event.
Anyone who has completed the event in the past will understand the feeling of relief when you reach the last feed station and party at Arta. Free beer and a DJ make this the best feed station ever! Although it feels like the event is over here you still have 30k to go so cannot get too carried away!
I was super pleased to cross with an official event time of 11h 49m, which is the only time that matters. It doesn’t matter how fast you ride as the clock does not stop when you do! This was a joint PB for me at the event which is always a success as you get older. What I was also pleased about is that I had no cramp at all throughout the ride and never felt uncomfortable on the bike. It all comes down to good training!

Are you looking to enter the event?
Check out all my resources available here. You can also sign up to be the first to hear about the launch of my Mallorca 312 Academy in 2025
You have not started to get old yet, No where near it. Gradually starts at 60 years old and from 70 years old it is a steep decline. Enjoy!