Please contact Vires Velo for all bike fitting enquires on 01953 687330

Travelling to the Mallorca 312 during COVID with a happy ending
23 Oct

Travelling to the Mallorca 312 during COVID with a happy ending

23rd October 2021 Read More

Travelling to the Mallorca 312 during COVID with a happy ending

By James Walsgrove

Flying can be stressful enough in normal circumstances but catching a 6 am flight during a pandemic certainly increases the stakes! So my alarm was set for 1 am after a busy evening of packing up the demo Factor bike which only arrived a few hours earlier!  There was no traffic on route so arrived …

How I designed the Mallorca 312 Training Plans
12 Dec

How I designed the Mallorca 312 Training Plans

12th December 2020 Read More

How I designed the Mallorca 312 Training Plans

By James Walsgrove

The Mallorca 312 is an annual closed-road sportive/gran fondo that takes place in and around the Serra Tramuntana mountains of Mallorca, Spain. There are 3 distances that you can ride on the day, 167km, 225km and the full 312km which includes over 5,000m of climbing! Around 8000 riders now attend this event from across the …