Cycling nutrition is a massive topic. It is very individual and everyone seems to have an opinion on it. As usual, with most things, there is never “one” answer.
I am not a nutritionist myself so this is just my experience. I have been lucky enough to work with a performance nutritionist in the past so have good basic knowledge but there is always more to learn.
Supersapiens offer the first energy management system that empowers you with real-time data so you can take action and actually make positive behavior change. This is achieved by a sensor fitted to your upper arm which is then linked to an app. Once fitted, which does not hurt, it provides a real-time Glucose Score and a Glucose Performance Zone to optimise your energy and go faster, and longer. They call this the “perform” zone.
What I learned from using a Glucose monitor
You cannot eat enough while on the bike
Whether your body can process this is another matter. Seeing my Glucose levels live it was hard to keep them in the “perform” zone for the entire ride.
Eat little and often
This is far better than one big amount every hour. I generally have something every 20min but you can do even more frequently than that if you have some small sweets.
Use carb drinks
This is an ideal and easy way of increasing your carb content over the duration of your ride. It is a highly effective way of consuming carbs without feeling like you are just eating all the time
Have a pre-ride snack before you leave on the bike
Even though it is recommended to eat 2-3hours before your ride. Your glucose level will have dropped by the time you start your ride. This does not mean it is wasted as will still be stored in your body. It does mean however that your glucose levels would have dropped out of the “perform” range. This snack should be high GI so easy to digest.
Protein with breakfast
I found that this slowed down the increase in glucose and made it more gradual rather than spiking.
Avoid as much refined sugar when off the bike
I sort of knew this already but it is always useful to see this visually! For me, refined sugar has no place in the diet and to be avoided as much as possible.
I thought the Glucose monitor from Supersapiens was a great tool to allow you to learn more about what works for you individually. It is great insight that has never been possible before now. Now I am better with my fuelling strategy the next step for me is to start looking at individual foods and see which are better so as to not spike my blood sugar.
Have you tried the monitor out? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below 👇🏻