Please contact Vires Velo for all bike fitting enquires on 01953 687330

It’s all about the #base
18 Nov

It’s all about the #base

18th November 2015 Read More

It’s all about the #base

By James Walsgrove

Whilst it’s starting to get cold outside you are probably thinking more of sitting in by the fire than being on your bike but remember this is a great time to start your training for next year. Putting the miles in during the winter months will reap rewards come the start of the season and …

Cycling core routine in less than 15mins!
21 Oct

Cycling core routine in less than 15mins!

21st October 2015 Read More

Cycling core routine in less than 15mins!

By James Walsgrove

The core is often neglected however if your looking to take your cycling to the next level then this can really help to give you a solid base for your legs to push from. It can often help back and neck pain on the bike especially when you start increasing the distance. Try to fit …

Essential foam roller routine in less than 10min!
21 Oct

Essential foam roller routine in less than 10min!

21st October 2015 Read More

Essential foam roller routine in less than 10min!

By James Walsgrove

This routine is essential and should be done if possible every day although a minimum of after every ride. Again ideally it’s best to do after you have had your shower and recovery meal although it can be done in the evening while your watching the television just make sure your muscles are not cold. …

Foam roller, why do I need one?
21 Oct

Foam roller, why do I need one?

21st October 2015 Read More

Foam roller, why do I need one?

By James Walsgrove

What is foam rolling? Basically it is a form of self-massaging that can be done at your home. We all know how great your legs feel after a really good message although they can become expensive if you are having them regularly so the foam roller is a great investment to save you time and …

Don’t know what where to start with training zones? check this simple guide
6 Sep

Don’t know what where to start with training zones? check this simple guide

6th September 2015 Read More

Don’t know what where to start with training zones? check this simple guide

By James Walsgrove

What are they? In simple terms, it refers to the intensity that you are riding at which ranges from an easy ride to an all-out max effort sprint with other zones in between. How many zones? There are different models with regards to the number of training zones and can range up to 7  but …

What to do when you first get a power meter?…..
6 Sep

What to do when you first get a power meter?…..

6th September 2015 Read More

What to do when you first get a power meter?…..

By James Walsgrove

Power meters are a great training tool to help improve your cycling and achieve your goals however they can be complicated and daunting when you first get one and suddenly got all this data at your fingertips! After reading a number of books and experiencing it first hand then what I would suggest is that …

Sweet Spot, what is it?
31 Aug

Sweet Spot, what is it?

31st August 2015 Read More

Sweet Spot, what is it?

By James Walsgrove

After searching the internet for a simple definition I came up with this quote Sweetspot training gives you the most training value for the time on your bike and  therefore balances the exercise intensity and volume of training – hence the term ‘sweetspot’. The actual training intensity is at 88-93% of your Functional Threshold Power …

5 simple turbo sessions
23 Aug

5 simple turbo sessions

23rd August 2015 Read More

5 simple turbo sessions

By James Walsgrove

1 – Sweet Spot Training This is the zone just below threshold, if you’re new to cycling then try blocks of 10 minutes.  Sweet spot is a great way of building your fitness. 20 mins warm up @ Zone2, 10 – 20mins @ sweetspot, 20 mins Zone2, 10 – 20 mins sweet spot then 20 …