Mallorca 312 Sportive 2025 | Power Based | 16 weeks

(19 customer reviews)


Have you entered the Mallorca 312 in 2025? Want to finish and make the strict cut-off times? Then this Mallorca 312 16-week training plan is for you! It is the most detailed and comprehensive training plan out there for the event!

Get ahead with your training and download today and start training! The plan is yours to keep and the sessions can be re-used as many times as you like!

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Have you entered the Mallorca 312 in 2025? Want to finish and make the strict cut-off times? Then this Mallorca 312 16-week training plan is for you! It is the most detailed and comprehensive training plan out there for the event! What’s more, it is yours to keep and can be started/re-used as you wish. All the sessions are yours to keep!

Having completed this event a number of years previously I am fully aware of what is needed to complete this tough sportive. This plan has been created to focus on specific sessions that will target the fitness demands needed. It allows for a longer weekend club ride so you can still ride with your mates and there are midweek turbo trainer sessions. This plan is not designed to be easy however based around your custom training zones so that you will be training within your own capabilities. You will arrive at the start line knowing you have done the work!

Check out my blog here on my first attempt at this event!

This plan has been created to focus on specific sessions that will target the fitness demands needed. It allows for a longer weekend club ride so you can still ride with your mates and there are midweek turbo trainer sessions. This plan is not designed to be easy however based around your custom training zones so that you will be training within your own capabilities. You will arrive at the start line knowing you have done the work!


The official start date for this Mallorca 312 16 week training plan is the 6th Jan 2025 and will take you right up to the start line on Saturday 26th April 2025.

However the sessions are all yours to keep and reuse so why not download it today and start training TODAY!

I have also entered the event so feel free to get in touch directly with me if you need anything or just for a shout out on the day!


This plan is not for the faint-hearted and you would want to be starting this from a good level of fitness.  It has been built around 10-12 hours of training per week. If this sounds too much then look at one of the other Mallorca plans to match your training time available. The plan consists of turbo sessions during the week using Power which are between 1-2 hours in length. There are also longer rides which have been scheduled for the weekends which can be completed using power or heart rate so you will be able to still ride with your club mates. This can be rearranged to suit your work/family schedule.

The power sessions are all totally compatible (export/sync required) with Zwift, TrainerRoad and Smart trainers with ERG mode.



Having completed the event twice now and with the first year, I only made the first cut off point by 4 minutes.  I thought I would share my top tips for the day ensuring that your day is not cut short!

Check them out here!



Check out the other plans available for this event. Even though they are titled for different distances they can still be used for this event.  The key fitness components will still be addressed so pick the plan that matches your training time availability.

The 167 plan is designed for 6-8 training hours per week.

The 225 plan is designed for 8-10 training hours per week.

The 312 plan is designed for 10 – 12 training hours per week.



There are so many training plans out there but they all only just include the training sessions. In my experience, this is not just what people need. For me, people need to understand why they are doing what they have been “told” to do. This is fundamental in sticking to the plan and making a real change for life not just a couple of weeks. Every workout states the purpose of the session and the training ability they will be working. Along with this, there will also be plenty of things to watch, tips, tricks and advice throughout the plan to help you meet the objective of the plan. Lastly, I have included personal development and wellness advice to make it easier to stick to the plan and live a healthier, happier you.

Discount code also included for all other plans available at Ride Harder



Don’t risk arriving at the start line unprepared so download the plan today ready for the start on the 6th January 2024

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Weekly Volume


19 reviews for Mallorca 312 Sportive 2025 | Power Based | 16 weeks

  1. Nicola (verified owner)

    Love love love this programme. I Purchased the 16 week 312 training plan. Been using your plan for a month now and can already see and feel the difference in my strength and stamina when out on the bike Added bonus, I’m stronger up hills already and I’ve lost 6lbs in weight. Can’t wait to put all this training into action on 30th April Mallorca 312. Really enjoying the workouts, its a different way of training for me, as used to hard interval sessions for racing but I feel I’m just as strong building up the endurance. Thank you James.


  2. Jane Hannah

    James’ knowledge and expertise were absolute gold dust and allowed me to become the very proud owner of the Mallorca 312 medal. Honestly, if someone had driven me around the course the day before I probably would have opted to stay in bed on the Sunday. But knowing I had James’ top tips I was up at 4 am and at the start just before 5 am. This meant when the start gun went off at 06:30 I only lost 7 mins of very valuable time. I took his advice not to stop at the first feed station and at the second to be in and out of the free for all as quick as I could, grabbing coke and chocolate sandwiches. Which I must say felt like a proper treat until about the third feed station where I was sick of them! Oh well, they kept me going.
    I made the first cut-off with 10 or so minutes to spare and the second one with around 15 mins. I then kept the carbs and caffeine coming in and enjoyed a small beer at the last feed station. Over the moon to know when I left this I only had about an hour of cycling to do I was buzzing. Waving at everyone and giving a whoop and a cheer. I think the lack of female 312 finishers meant the crowds were even more supportive.
James was at the end to give me a high five and to eat the pasta I couldn’t stomach.

  3. Boris

    Thanks for everything – I owe a lot to the plans. Of course, I had to get up and put in the work, but the plan was a great forcing device that really worked for me. Thanks, James.

  4. Ian Stacey

    The academy from James worked really well it’s a very structured training plan that at times does feel like you are not training hard enough but trust the plan. It does work! One of the real value points of working with James is the nutrition guide and ride plan that’s included that was worth its weight in gold.
    Stick to the plan use the advice – train hard ride easy!

  5. Nikki Tout

    Purchased the 16-week 312 training plan. Been using your plan for a month now and can already see and feel the difference in my strength and stamina when out on the bike Added bonus, I’m stronger up hills already and I’ve lost 5lbs in weight. Can’t wait to put all this training into action on 30th April Mallorca 312. Really enjoying the workouts, it’s a different way of training for me, as used to do hard interval sessions for racing but I feel I’m just as strong building up the endurance. Thank you, James

  6. Paul Morris (verified owner)

    Just completed the 2023 312 after following this plan. Never followed a structured plan before but this has transformed me as a cyclist. The plan is designed to fit in with a working week so most sessions in the week are no longer than about an hour with longer sessions at the weekend. There are generally 6 sessions a week with Monday off. Much of the training focuses on building endurance so fairly easy sessions. I’ll be honest I found that a bit scary as I didn’t feel I’d be getting much out of it. To be honest I was seeing improvement pretty quickly and did a local reliability ride at the end of February so about 6 or 7 weeks in and I knew then that it was working. Lots of little tips in the plan that helps prepare for the day. If you put in the hours this plan will get you around the full 312. Cheers James


  7. Mark Pickering (verified owner)

    Awesome plan. Carrying 97kg and with limited base training…the plan got me round the 312 in 12.5hrs at a fresh weight of 85kg. Couldn’t and wouldn’t have done it without the ride harder plan and all the additional coaching tips that came with it. Thank you!

  8. David Carter (verified owner)

    Note, I followed the 12 week plan, not the 16 week plan. I managed to complete the 312…just!, so thank you for that. The plan was OK, but I supplemented it with some additional shorter high intensity workouts after advice from a friend. I feel I might have struggled to make the 2nd 312 cutoff time without these extra sessions, but I’ll never know for sure. I was somewhat disappointed with the nutrition material.

  9. Simon Johnson (verified owner)

    The plan workouts were excellent and I could feel my fitness develop as it went on. The advice notes were particularly beneficial and I felt well prepared on the start line albeit a certain amount of trepidation never having completed a ride longer than c95 miles. Although I planned to complete the full 312 I missed the 4:30pm cut off (relaxed too much after hitting the first time cut) so did the 225k route. Today is Monday and I have very little fatigue in my legs which I put entirely down to James’s plan. Felt odd not doing any really long prep rides but “trust the process”, it works!

  10. Mark Hughes (verified owner)

    Thank you so much James. Fantastic plan. Having missed the second cut off in 2022 I needed a focused plan to get me to the end this time. My goal to complete the full 312 at the age of 60. I loved the way the programme is tailored to the event. It’s great the way the progression builds week by week. The additional advice and yoga are great additions. Achieved my goal in completing the distance, beating the second cutoff by 20 minutes. Many takeaways from this plan which will be utilised going forward. I thoroughly recommend this plan to others looking to complete the event. Many thanks James.

  11. James B. (verified owner)

    Really comprehensive training plan for the 312. Highly recommended

  12. John Lillie (verified owner)

    Fantastic plan that got me around the full 312 with plenty left in the tank. Could definitely have gone harder earlier but without the plan, I would have almost definitely missed the gates and would have only completed the 167km. Thank you James, great stuff!!

  13. keith Haughton (verified owner)

    I followed the plan to the letter by about 90% and missed the first cut off point by 12 minutes, i put this down to the lack of climbing in the plan. 10 lads from the same club all bought the plan an none of us hit the first cut off. We approached the Ride harder rep at the ice cream parlor at the Expo to ask a few questions and it seamed that he was only interested in selling Ride Harder Merc.

    • James Walsgrove (store manager)

      Hi Keith, Sorry to hear that. I am always looking for how I can improve my training plans so would appreciate it if you could give me a little bit more detail to help me for next year. Did you all try and ride together as a group and how much stopping time did you accumulate including time lost at the start? I am sorry if you felt I was only interested in selling merc. I did not actually have anything to sell and was just giving away free stickers.

  14. Martin (verified owner)

    I purchased the specific Mallorca 312 plan to help me prepare for this year’s event. I found following the plan easy and this was made easier by it linking to both training peaks and Zwift. I found that if you completed the FTP tests to the maximum as required, then all the subsequent sessions aligned correctly and at the right intensity. I followed the plan in full with a little adjustment due to my shift patterns and completed the full Mallorca 312 this year. The event was tough – I can’t say it was easy (it definitely wasn’t!) but I’m certain that my prep, as laid out in my training plan, was the difference between finishing in time and in decent condition, or not! Just shows a good plan works – many thanks, James…you and your training plan were worth every penny!

  15. Ian H. (verified owner)

    This is the first training plan I have managed to stick to. Simple to understand and follow with the supporting information being extremely helpful.

  16. Amy Sole (verified owner)

    Being a non competitive cyclist and ultra runner by choice, I needed a plan which would give me structure and target the hardest parts of the 312 course, which it definitely does. I initially questioned the workout repetitions of the first 3 climbs, but when you take on the event, you realise the importance of nailing these ascents! I did the whole of my training on Zwift and am pleased to report that I completed the 312 route with 90 minutes to spare, despite being concerned I would be chasing the cut offs. This result wouldn’t have been possible without this plan and therefore I would 100% recommend. Back to running now, but as a result of this plan, I won’t be giving up the cycling after seeing a huge improvement in my bike fitness and overall fitness since January! Thanks James!

  17. Michael (verified owner)

    I don’t have a flash indoor trainer or a power meter on the bike. Instead I used my winter bike strapped onto turbo and the AI power convertor that came with Trainer Road. I stuck to the plan about 90% only missing a few sessions.
    At times I was worried I wouldn’t be fit enough BUT by following James’s advice and pacing myself throughout the ride and not going into the Red I hit the cut-offs and completed the full 312 🙂

  18. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Great structure and progression.
    Grammar and repetition of wording could do with an edit or improvement.
    I have to disagree with the points about not needing to train on hills.

  19. Claire Miller (verified owner)

    Brilliant. Loved this plan! Loved having some structure, the plan was doable and I could fit it around my lifestyle, FTP went up from 179 to 196 in just 8 weeks and most importantly I smashed my event!! Would highly recommend. Thanks James 🙂

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