Train at your own pace
Specialised training plans and tips from the official Mallorca 312 Training Partner

Learn how to complete the event
Our Mallorca 312 Resources give you invaluable tips on nutrition, race tactics, tapering, and more
28 to 16 Week Plans
The ideal time to start training for the 312 to give you the best chance to perform to your fullest potential
12 Week Plans
3 months is still enough time to get ‘312 fit’! Perfect if you’re starting at a good level of fitness
8 Week Plans
It’s not too late! If you’re at a good level of fitness and you just need one final push to get fit enough to tackle the Mallorca 312, you’re in luck! Take our 2 month plan to reach your fitness heights before the event.
Check out this FREE training guide for the Mallorca 312

Mallorca 312 Resources
The tips from 312 experts that will get you over the finish line within the time limit.
Latest Mallorca 312 Blog Posts
5 top tips to completing the Mallorca 312
Mallorca 312 Training Advice
Why I started the Mallorca 312 Academy
Before I go into detail as to why I started the Mallorca 312 Academy I had better explain what it is first for those who don’t know. What is the Mallorca 312 Academy? Train in a virtual group environment with others towards the same goal of the Mallorca 312! The Mallorca 312 Academy gives you … Read More
How I designed the Mallorca 312 Training Plans
The Mallorca 312 is an annual closed-road sportive/gran fondo that takes place in and around the Serra Tramuntana mountains of Mallorca, Spain. There are 3 distances that you can ride on the day, 167km, 225km and the full 312km which includes over 5,000m of climbing! Around 8000 riders now attend this event from across the … Read More
Training for the Mallorca 312
Have you entered the Mallorca 312 and are unsure where to start with training for the Mallorca 312? Having completed this amazing event four times now, I will be riding again in 2023. I wanted to share my secret training tips to make sure you make the cut-off! When to start training for the Mallorca … Read More
Mallorca 312 Tips & Info
Mallorca 312 Cut Off Times
The Mallorca 312 cut-off time is 14 hours and 20 minutes for the full 312km distance in 2024. The event starts at 6:30 so need to complete the Mallorca 312 by 20:50. There are also 2 further checkpoints that you have to reach to be allowed to continue. The first is at 97km, so you … Read More
5 top tips to completing the Mallorca 312
The Mallorca 312 event is now one of the biggest sportives of the year with over 8,000 riders from all over the world taking on 3 separate routes around the beautiful closed roads of Mallorca. I will share my knowledge and give you my top tips for completing the Mallorca 312. The route The 167km … Read More
How to travel abroad with your Road Bike
Travelling abroad with a road bike can be an exciting and challenging experience for cyclists. Taking your bike abroad isn’t as daunting as you may think. It has become more popular in recent years with the rise of cheap flights and training camps. In this essential guide, I will show you how to travel abroad with … Read More
Bike Hire in Mallorca
When riding abroad it can be nice to have your own bike. However, this is not always practical or cost-effective. There are a number of places to hire a bike from in Mallorca at a reasonable rate. Depending on how long you go for it may or may not be cheaper to hire. Generally, you … Read More
Mallorca 312 Reports
Mallorca 312 in October 2021
Well after all the issues with getting to the event, see my previous blog, I was pleased to wake up at 4:30 am and felt good! It is always an odd feeling putting on suncream at this time of the morning but highly recommended with being out in the sun all day! The facilities at … Read More
Travelling to the Mallorca 312 during COVID with a happy ending
Flying can be stressful enough in normal circumstances but catching a 6 am flight during a pandemic certainly increases the stakes! So my alarm was set for 1 am after a busy evening of packing up the demo Factor bike which only arrived a few hours earlier! There was no traffic on route so arrived … Read More
Mallorca 312 – More than a Gran Fondo
This is my favourite sportive and my second year of riding it so I now know what to expect so can hopefully complete it faster than last year. The event consists of 8000 riders tackling 15,000ft of climbing over 312km on closed roads. There are also options of riding 167km or 225km on the day … Read More
First attempt at the Mallorca 312
I entered this event some time ago as has been on my list to do but sells out fast so didn’t want to miss out! The plan was to loose a few kilo’s over the winter in preparation for the climbing but alas failed to hit ‘racing weight’. The event consists of 312km with 16,000ft … Read More


What is the Mallorca 312 Academy?
The Ride Harder MALLORCA 312 ACADEMY will provide you with all the tools you need to arrive at the Playa De Muro start line fully fit and prepared for the 312 kilometres of the Twelfth edition of the MALLORCA 312 cycling event.
By Joining the Ride Harder MALLORCA 312 ACADEMY, you will become part of a community of like-minded cyclists all striving for the same goal, armed with 16 weeks of structured training sessions, virtual group rides, friendly discussions, live Q&As and exclusive online resources.
What You Get
You will receive 16 weeks of carefully planned bike workouts that can be completed in your own time, outdoors or on the cycling platform of your choice, structured in a way to fit in with your busy life
The plan will take you through several phases from building a strong, solid base, to gradually increasing your threshold power with weekly and monthly goals
Building your base fitness and climbing ability so that you complete the event
Continue to build the aerobic engine and learn how to pace yourself for the start of the event. We will look at the intensity and cadence that will be required during the event for the early climbs

Build that important muscular endurance so that you can make the finish line within the cut-off time.
During this phase, we will be building Muscular Endurance which is essential for completing the event and making those strict cut-off times. You will be given the exact training needed to complete the challenge along with event-specific sessions.

Raise your fitness ceiling so that you can push on and attack those short climbs on tired legs
Work on that fatigue resistance to simulate late in the event when the legs are tired but you still need to dig deep on those short shart climbs!

Peak your cycling fitness so you are confident you have the ability to complete the event!
The biggest training block in the plan along with the perfect taper into the event so you are fresh and fit to complete the event!

You will be invited to join the Academy’s private virtual group rides. A social event that will allow you to get to know your fellow academy scholars as well getting to know some of the roads you will be riding on, all while building up that crucial aerobic base.
The majority of the rides will take place using the ZWIFT. There will be additional rides on RGT and ROUVY cycling software platforms (depending on demand). This will allow you to experience some of the course routes.
You will be invited to join other academy scholars online in an exclusive private Facebook community. Here you will have access to the official Mallorca 312 coach who will answer any questions and provide support throughout the duration of the plan.
You will have the opportunity to virtually meet other event participants and participates in friendly discussions leading up to the event.
Members will have exclusive access to a number of helpful online resources such as videos and articles on a variety of event-specific topics such as travel guides, nutritional advice, mental techniques etc.
All advice is provided by experts who have completed the event several times to help give you the edge.
Can I join the academy but only ride the 167 or 225 distance?
Yes, all the content and training will benefit you whatever the distance you end up riding. The beauty of this event is that you have until the day to decide what distance you want to ride.
Can I join the academy even if I am not planning on riding the Mallorca 312?
Yes by all means everyone is welcome. The training will develop both your aerobic and muscular endurance. This is crucial for either hilly or long sportives. If you have an event planned at the end of April then this can still work for you! Obviously the additional ride specific content will not be of use however it is still worth keeping in case you enter the event in future. Don’t forget all the training sessions in the plan are yours to keep and reuse as many times as you wish.
Why not just download a training plan?
So for me, the real value in the Academy is the community that it creates and that you become part of. We all know someone who has downloaded a training plan and started super keen only to give up after a couple of weeks, this may even be you!
Going through the plan with the community environment of the Ride Harder Academy will ensure that you stay motivated. With the support of the Ride Harder head coach and the team, you will be held accountable and committed to completing the plan.
You will have access to the private Facebook group along with group rides hosted on RGT/Zwift plus Q & A’s. There will be an opportunity for merchandise so will feel really part of the team.
The other main difference is with the plan you don’t have any support with questions you may have along the way. Again I have found if you don’t understand something or it does not work then often you just give up. Within the Academy, you have access to your own coach without committing to full 1:1 coaching
Within this Mallorca 312 Academy, there will be brand new sessions and extra exclusive content not included in the stand-alone plans. See below
The Complete Nutrition Strategy for the Mallorca 312
The Complete Travel Guide for you AND your bike
The Ultimate Race Day Guide to Completing the Mallorca 312
Can I see an example of the training plan?
No problem at all. I have included two separate weeks within the plan below. The first is in the early stages and the second one is towards the peak around 2-3 weeks from the event. Please note these are just outlined examples and will be updated as we work through the plan. I am keen to make the plan work for each individual so there will be an opportunity to do more or less than stated depending on the person’s availability.
Early stages of the plan example 👇🏻

One of the peak week examples 👇🏻

What do I need?
HR monitor and a bike as a minimum!
Ideally a turbo trainer, cadence sensor and option of power either indoors or outside
Do I need RGT or Zwift?
No, unless you want to join the group rides. You can do the sessions by following manually on Training Peaks, using another platform or using your device to control the trainer
What day’s are the virtual group rides on?
So this will depend on the members within the Academy. At the moment there is no fixed day so will be open to suggestions. Depending on the number of members there may be an opportunity for multiple rides across both Zwift and RGT.
How many sessions?
Generally, 2 sessions per week of around an hour in length and can be completed indoors. There will be a longer ride at the weekends which can be done on the road. This would be a minimum. There are more optional sessions for those who want more volume.
As the plan reaches the peak around 3 weeks out from the event then there will be more sessions included. This will help you reach the desired fitness levels as you go into the event.
Can I do the sessions in my own time?
Yes, I have laid them out across the week but can do them when it suits your schedule. I would try to keep the sequence if possible as they build progressively.
Can I change the days of the sessions?
The sessions are designed to be done in the order that they are set to meet the training adaptations that we are trying to achieve however you are welcome to move the sessions to suit your own work/life as long as they are in the same format and order as prescribed.
What if I miss a session?
We all know that things crop up in our day to day life so missing just the odd session will be fine. The plan is taking a long term approach to training so missing a session is less important than if you were embarking on a short term plan.
Mallorca 312 Academy Testimonials

“I couldn’t have done it without James’ Plan”
Andy – 312 Finisher